Source texts of assemblers (~48kb) “A” Assembler v1.0 (c) 1993 by Serghey Kostygov
    It’s a very simple 2-pass assembler for i8086 able to generate .com executables or inline listing for old versions of Turbo Pascal. A little demoprogram is attached.
    Source text: .pas (Turbo Pascal)
    Home page:
    Documentation: none (~25kb) i386 Assembler v0.95f
    Little and modest assembler for Intel386 opcodes.
    Source text: .asm (16-bit Nasm)
    Documentation: none (~125kb) Assembler (c) by Bruce Evans
    This one is referred to C compiler (~196kb) and linker (~26kb). The full sources with MS-DOS binaries can be found on home page.
    Source text: .c (GNU C)
    Documentation: none
    Home page: (~52kb) Simple 8086 Asm (c) 1997 by Yevgheny Mikhalchik
    Simple but strange looking asm.
    Source text: written in itself
    Home page: (~22kb) Assembler v1.48 (c) 2000 by Era Scarecrow / Ryan Cecil
    It's a very simple assembler for i8086 instructions written in QBasic and producing the well-known .com executable. Exe binary is missing.
    Source text: .bas (QBasic 4.5)
    Output format: .com
    Documentation: comments in English
    Home page: (~40kb) 8088/86 Assembler v1.20 (c) 1991 by Joseph Tamburino
    This is not a complete assembler but a unit with a demo-program. It works like this: you enter the lone assembler mnemonic & then receive the equal machine code. The set of mnemonics is changeable, the file mnemonic.lst works like a script. The codification is written there in text format, readable by humans.
    Source text: .pas (Borland Pascal)
    Documentation: in English (~980kb) DiceRTE Protected Mode Entwicklungssystem (c) 1996-2001 Christian Diefer
    It’s a full development system for dos protected mode .pe (!!! – also works in Win32) extender based on C compiler. But also here you’ll find sources of Dasm32, a 32-bit macro assembler supporting opcodes up to Pentium III and K6-2. The syntax is Masm-like.
    Source text: .c (??? Dcc32 ???)
    Documentation: in German
    Home page: (~79kb) [D]AzmIt v1.16 (C) 1997-1999 by Mikael Klasson
    It’s a very original stuff. Looking on how the main functions are used this program can both act as an assembler or as a disassembler. The two exe’s compiled in two ways are included. Dazmit accepts FPU, MMX and 3DNow! and can work with Pmode.
    Source text: .asm (Tasm)
    Output format: .bin
    Home page: (~43kb) General 8086 assembler v0.11g (c) 1996 Jim Gage
    A simple minimalistic assembler for 8086 opcodes.
    Source text: .c (Borland C, Watcom C, GNU C)
    Output format: .com
    Documentation: comments in English (~45kb) Gaz’s Assembler v0.55 (c) 1999 by Gareth Owen
    This one said by its author to be NASM compatible. Accepts opcodes up to PII.
    Source text: .cpp (GNU C)
    Output format: .bin (.com ???)
    Documentation: none, comments in English
     Home page: (~254kb) [G]enPC [E]lite [M]acro [A]ssembler v2.6a (c) 1994-1995 Frank Denis
    This one resembles the GenST assembler of old Atari ST. Its syntax is heavily based on Motorola 680x0 opcodes. GenPC supports mnemonics from 8086 up to P6.
    Source text: .c (GNU C, Borland C, Watcom C)
    Output format: .obj, .com , .exe (16/32 bit)
    Documentation: in English (~78kb) "Home" 8086 assembler (c) 1996 by Boris Fayfel
    A “home-made” assembler with Tasm-compatible syntax. Written in Turbo Basic with a few machine code inclusions. Won’t compile with QuickBasic, so do not even try.
    Source text: .bas (Turbo Basic)
    Output format: .com
    Documentation: none, the source is commented in Russian (~36kb) Inline Assembler v2.20 (c) 1987-1988 by Daniel Baldwin
    Turbo Pascal up to version 5.5 (if I’m not mistaken) couldn’t accept the built-in assembler constructs like asm ... end, one could insert machine opcodes with such declarations: inline($90,$90, ...). This cute proggy makes the following: it translates assembler blocks into the “inline” strings.
    Source text: .pas (Borland Pascal)
    Documentation: in English (~34kb) Intel Assembler v0.21 (c) 2000-2001 by Era Scarecrow / Ryan Cecil
    Another try to create assembler for opcodes from 8086 to Pentium. Not compiled.
    Source text: .bas (QuickBasic v4.5 v7.1)
    Output format: .com
    Documentation: in English
    Home page: (~97kb) Intel Assembler v0.52 (c) 1998-2002 by Era Scarecrow / Ryan Cecil
    The first versions of this asm, 0.21 as well, were written in QBasic but later the author rewrote it from scratch. Now it compiles itself (!!). Pentium MMX as well as FPU opcodes are supported.
    Source text: .asm (Intel Assembler)
    Output format: .com
    Documentation: in English
    Home page: (~29kb) One Line Assembler (c) 1997 by ???
    Something interactive. After the start-up you get the black screen a la Turbo Pascal IDE of year 1983. You enter an instruction and get the equivalent hex-code. The opcodes of i80386 processor and FPU can be used. Docs are missing. Exe binary is missing.
    Source text: .bas (QBasic 4.5)
    Documentation: no, comments in English and Dutch :) (~132kb) PopAsm, the Popular Assembler Project (c) 2003 by Helcio Mello
    An effort to fuse all the advantages and syntaxes of Masm, Tasm, Fam and Nasm. Not compiled.
    Source text: .cpp (MS Visual C++) ???
    Home page:
    Documentation: none (~231kb) Sasm, Snakessoft Assembler v3.0beta (c) 2001 by Rodney McConnell
    This one supports i486 opcodes, macro definition and some meta-directives. The outputted file is a special .sob which can be transformed to .com or .exe by slink (its sources are included). The 32-bit code for DOS-extenders is supported.
    Source text: .c (GNU C)
    Output format: .sob => Slink => .com, mz .exe
    Home page:
    Documentation: in English (~582kb) or (~414kb) TMA macro assembler (c) 1997-1998 by Sven Michael Klose
    Not bad stuff, it resembles a86 or Tasm. IDE is also included & of course with its own sources. In addition: Dos libraries for input/output, graphics, sound blaster (wav, mod & s3m players) – many things for demomaking. The previous compiled version of assembler is included (named, for making a newer build click on the install.bat
    Source text: .asm (Compiles itself!)
    Output format: .com, mz .exe
    Documentation: in English & German
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